Skin Care Q & A

Frequently Asked Skin Care Questions

These are the most frequently asked questions we receive about skin care, skin health and sunscreens. Please feel free to look over them and if you have any questions, our staff will put you in touch with the people who have the answers.

According to theAmerican Academy of Dermatology, the required level is SPF30.

The number means that it would take your skin 30 times longer to burn than it would without applying any sunscreen. So, if it would take a minute to burn without sunscreen, it would take 30 minutes to burn after applying the recommended amount of SPF30.  This SPF is usually adequate for low levels of sun exposure. Please contact Reading Dermatology Associates for the best recommended SPF levels of protection for your skin.

The FDA has recently recommended changing the sunscreen labeling to avoid this confusion. Soon the highest level available will be 50+. Please contact Reading Dermatology Associates for the best solutions for your specific skin care needs.

Everyone should wear sunscreen since the sun causes skin cancer and aging in all skin types. The American Academy of Dermatology does not recommend different levels depending on skin tone. Please contact Reading Dermatology Associates to find out the best recommended SPF level of protection for your skin.

Moisturizer is a vital part of skin care for many reasons. First, it creates a barrier between the skin and the area that holds water in the epidermis. The right moisturizer should leave your skin feeling hydrated, smooth and soft, protecting the skin from the harsh environment and pollution.

Second, it is ‘the fountain of youth’ meaning that it helps skin retain its moisture. (As we age, skin loses its moisture and therefore appears to have aged. Moisturizer reduces this process greatly.) Please contact Reading Dermatology Associates for the best skin care products for your specific needs.

Cosmetics include a wide range of products. Some of these can cause health problems in some people, such as skin or eye irritation or allergic reactions. These types of problems are usually short-term and go away if use of the product is stopped.

Whether cosmetics or certain ingredients in them cause more subtle or long-term health problems is not entirely clear. Because there are no long-term studies, little is known about the health effects of long term exposure to many ingredients in cosmetics. If you believe your makeup is a cause of ski problems you’re, please contact Reading Dermatology Associates for a consultation.

One of the first questions most people ask when seeking treatment for acne scars is if the scars will ever fully disappear. The answer is the same for acne scars as it is for every other scar you have: No scar ever fully disappears because scars form when your skin is damaged in the dermal level, the layer of skin where new skin cells originate. As your body heals the wound, it creates new collagen fibers, and this repair of damaged tissue results in a scar.

But, even though you may not be able to make those scars disappear, there are things you can do to reduce the size, color and appearance of your scars. Today, some acne scar treatments can reduce and lighten the appearance of scars to the point they're almost undetectable. The staff a Reading Dermatology can provide the best treatment for scarring yielding amazing results.

Tanning booths and beds at salons shine ultra-violet (UV) light on your skin to develop a tan -- at a risk. The intensity of the rays can damage the skin just as staying outdoors too long will do. Everyone’s skin is different so we recommend a consultation at Reading Dermatology Associates for the best advice regarding tanning.

At Reading Dermatology Associates, we recommend that adults who are 40 years or older have an annual skin check. This is especially important for members of families with a history of melanoma, since they are at higher risk. In between these checks it is wise to keep an eye on your own skin. A partner or friend can help you check your back and other areas that are hard for you to check yourself (such as behind your ears). If you notice any new or changing skin lesions, it is wise to seek advice from a qualified dermatology professional.

Doctors have been using Botox for years to successfully treat wrinkles and facial creases. Botox blocks signals from the nerves to the muscles so the injected muscle can't contract, making the wrinkles relax and soften. Botox is most often used on forehead lines, crow's feet (lines around the eye), and frown lines. Wrinkles caused by sun damage and gravity will not respond to Botox. It can also be used for lip lines and for the chin and corner of the mouth and neck.

Getting Botox takes only a few minutes and doesn't require anesthesia. Botox is injected with a fine needle into specific muscles with only minor discomfort. It generally takes three to seven days to take full effect, and it is best to avoid alcohol starting at least one week before the procedure. You should also stop taking aspirin and anti-inflammatory medications two weeks before treatment to reduce bruising.

The effects from Botox will last four to six months. As muscle action gradually returns, the lines and wrinkles begin to reappear and need to be treated again. The lines and wrinkles often appear less severe with time because the muscles are being trained to relax.

Insurance companies will cover costs of prescription strength medications for treatments of any medical conditions, such as Acne and Rosacea. Most insurance companies to do not cover the costs of cosmetic procedures or products.

Eat a healthy diet that includes foods naturally rich in vitamin D, or take a recommended vitamin D supplement. Avoid the sun and tanning beds as UV light from both can cause wrinkling and age spots that can lead to cancer.


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Medical Dermatology Hours

Mon,Thurs: 7:00am-5:00pm
Tues, Wed: 7:00am-7:00pm
Friday: 8:00am-2:00pm

Cosmetic Center Hours

Monday - Thursday: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Friday: 9:00am to 3:00pm
Weekend and Evening hours: By Appointment Only

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