The Sweat Stops Here.

Bothered by underarm sweat and odor?
Tired of seeing your favorite clothes destroyed with perspiration and deodorant stains?
Imagine not having to worry about embarrassing underarm sweat and odor ever again, feeling comfortable, clean and ready for any interaction.
miraDry® is a safe and clinically proven treatment that can permanently eliminate underarm sweat and odor and even dramatically reduce underarm hair. miraDry® is the only FDA cleared procedure that provides a lasting reduction of underarm sweat in a completely non-invasive way without the inherent risks of surgery.
Originally designed for those suffering with excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis, miraDry® provides the perfect solution for those that want to feel comfortable by eliminating underarm perspiration, odor and hair.
Performed in our office in about an hour, miraDry® works by delivering precisely controlled electromagnetic energy to the underarm area, destroying the underarm sweat glands while simultaneously cooling your skin for added comfort. These sweat glands do not grow back once they are destroyed so results are permanent and dramatic, and can be expected after one treatment although sometimes a second treatment is necessary. Treatment is customized for each patient with minimal or no downtime.
Ask us at Reading Dermatology if miraDry® is right for you.
miraDry®… it’s no sweat.
See for yourself how miraDry® works, safely and effectively.
Understanding the miradry® proceedure
miraDry is the only non-invasive, FDA cleared treatment that safely removes underarm sweat and odor glands permanently.
Don’t I need sweat glands?
Not in your armpits! Of the 2 million sweat glands throughout your body, your underarms only contain 2% of those glands. MiraDry stops sweating in the underarm, but you continue to sweat elsewhere, allowing your body to cool down normally while exercising or in hot environments.
What is the miraDry® procedure like?
The underarm is numbed with local anesthesia. The procedure is then performed and is completely comfortable for most patients. There are no incisions or cuts. The procedure takes about an hour from beginning to end.
How does it work?
miraDry’s technology delivers energy that is absorbed by the water in the sweat and odor glands in the underarm. It destroys the glands while cooling the overlying skin. Because hair follicles are in close proximity to the sweat glands, many hair follicles in the underarm area are also eliminated during the procedure.
What results can I expect?
You can expect immediate and lasting reduction in sweating. Once destroyed, sweat glands do not come back or regrow. An average of over 80% sweat reduction is achieved in one treatment. Results vary person to person. Most patients achieve their goals in 1 treatment. About 25% of patients have a 2nd treatment to improve their results.
Is there any downtime?
Most patients take a day after the procedure to ice the area, relax and recuperate. Exercise is typically resumed within several days. Patients generally use non-steroidal pain relievers like ibuprofen (Advil/Motrin) for a few days. Swelling of the underarm, arm or chest, numbness, bruising, sensitivity, and nodularity in the treated area are common for several days post treatment.
Are there any significant side effects?
The miraDry treatment has a strong safety record. Soreness, swelling and nodularity may occasionally last a few weeks or longer. Very rarely cordlike thickening in the underarm, tingling or weakness of fingers, burns causing scarring, and infection have occurred and have resolved with time. Hair follicles are also reduced by the procedure. Most patients, male and female, find this a benefit rather than an adverse effect.
Who should not have the miraDry® treatment?
You should not have miraDry if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have an active infection, form keloid scars, have significant scar tissue or surgical scars in the underarm area, have difficulty with or allergy to local anesthesia (lidocaine with epinephrine), have a cardiac pacemaker or other electronic implant, have cysts or hidradenitis suppurativa, have radiation injury of the underarm area.
Is miraDry® covered by insurance?
Though it is FDA approved, the miraDry procedure is not covered by insurance. However, some medical pre-tax accounts such as HSA and FSA plans may allow for tax free reimbursement. Check with your benefits manager.
4-6 days BEFORE Procedure
- Shave both underarms; by the time you come in for your procedure, there will be a little bit of hair growth to identify the area to be treated.
- If you forget to shave, we will recommend that you reschedule your procedure date.
What to wear the DAY of the procedure
- Easily cleaned top with loose arm holes
- For women – eg, tank top, sports bra, camisole
- For men – eg, tank top or no shirt
What to Expect:
- Your procedure will last 60 – 75 minutes.
- You are welcome to bring a portable music player and earphones to listen to during the procedure.
- After the procedure, be advised that you will have swelling and redness in the treated area for a few days to a few weeks. Do not plan on wearing a sleeveless shirt in public for at least a week post procedure as the area will be discolored or swollen.
- Your doctor will likely recommend a mild pain medication and repeated icing for a few days to minimize the swelling and discomfort that some patients experience.
- You must keep the treated area clean (wash with water and gentle liquid soap) and wear loose fitting tops for the next few days. Avoid shaving or applying antiperspirant/deodorant for the next few days.
- Avoid any rigorous activity for several days post procedure. If you normally exercise heavily, wait a few days before resuming your exercise routine.
- Please take Motrin 600mg 15 minutes prior to procedure. Then Motrin 600mg every 6-8 hours twice a day.
You have just taken a big step towards reducing your underarm sweat! There are a few things you should know.
- You should notice a reduction in the amount of your underarm sweat almost immediately after the procedure. Most patients report a dramatic reduction, but not complete elimination, of their underarm sweat. In a recent clinical study, the average sweat reduction was 82% after two treatments.
- You may also notice a reduction of underarm hair. In a recent clinical trial, an average of 70% hair reduction was observed in one to two treatments.
- It is normal for the underarms and surrounding areas to feel numb for several hours after the procedure; sometimes this numbness can also be felt in the arms for a few hours.
To assist in the recovery, we recommend the following
- Immediately wrap frozen water bottles or ice packs in wet paper towel or wet thin clean dish towel. Ice areas 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. Be sure to keep the ice packs wrapped, as placing them immediately next to skin may cause frostbite.
- A non-prescription anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen will reduce the normal inflammation and discomfort that usually occurs for a few days after the procedure.
- Keep your underarms clean while they are healing from the procedure. Use gentle liquid soap to cleanse the underarms twice a day.
- Your underarms could be tender for up to two weeks as they heal from the procedure.
- Avoid shaving until the tenderness has subsided enough for your comfort level.
- Avoid applying antiperspirant/deodorant within the first few days. Do not apply over any broken skin, such as nicks from shaving.
- Wear a loose top for the next few days to prevent underarm irritation.
- Avoid vigorous activity for the next few days.
- Apply an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment to prevent infection.
Other minor effects can last several weeks such as: swelling in the arm or torso; altered sensation (numbness or tingling) in the skin of the treated area or the arm; redness or bruising in the underarm or adjacent area. Other minor effects that may last longer are bumps you can feel under the skin and darkening of the skin. These should gradually disappear over time. Partial hair loss may be long-term.
Though less common, it is possible that some small blisters may develop in the treatment area. Keeping these areas clean and applying an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment such as Polysporin ointment can speed the healing process and prevent infection.
You should call your doctor if you:
- develop signs of infection (increasing swelling, pain, heat or surrounding redness) or if the treated area appears to be getting worse
- are experiencing significant pain that is not relieved by the recommended pain medication listed above
- develop severe swelling, redness, or bruising that is not getting better after two weeks
- experience any weakness in your arm muscles or fingers