Medical Cosmetic Procedures


Not all micro-needling is the same! Our superior device uses a stamping motion to create invisible micro-perforations in the skin. This process treats aging, scarring, tone and texture of skin. This treatment utilizes growth factors to enhance results.

Skin is prepped with medical grade products before all treatments

PRP Micro-Needling (Platelet Rich Plasma)

This procedure takes Micro-needling to the next level using Platelet Rich Plasma. We use the internal essence of your blood, life-giving fundamental protein growth factors, to magnify the results. A sample of your blood is drawn in preparation. It is placed into our centrifuge and spun at a rapid rate to separate the platelets, which activate the PRP. The PRP is then reintroduced into the site using the Micro-needling process.

PRP For Hair Restoration

PRP therapy is an effective treatment of hair loss using growth factors and platelets—among the body’s most potent promoters of healing. A patient’s blood is spun in our centrifuge to separate out the protein growth factors. PRP is applied to the scalp in several ways to treat hair loss.

Medical Grade Peels

Approximately 30–40 min

A rejuvenating process that reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and tightens lax skin, while improving texture and lightening hyperpigmentation. We offer a variety of peels, and your professional will recommend the best peel for your skin at your initial consultation. Finished with SPF.


Approximately 15–30 min

A non-chemical exfoliation process to remove vellus hair and dead skin from the epidermis, and provide deeper product penetration, smoother makeup application and immediate improvement in skin texture.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photo Rejuvenation

Approximately 15–45 min

This technology uses a high-powered, hand-held, computer-controlled flashgun to deliver an intense, visible, broad-spectrum pulse of light. IPL provides age-defying skin care, eliminating the appearance of age spots, sun-induced freckles, symptoms of rosacea, birthmarks, unsightly veins and blemishes. Please consult one of our skin care specialists to determine the best treatment for your skin.

Cryotherapy or Cauterizing for Benign Lesions

Approximately 20 min, 1–10 spots

Benign lesions may sometimes be treated using Cryotherapy or Cauterizing. This includes spots like lentigos, skin tags, sebaceous hyperplasia, and other types of raised benign growths. Cryotherapy can also give a refreshing, healthy glow by reducing inflammation, puffiness, blemishes and fine lines. This technique is done by our Certified Nurse Practitioner.

EndyMed® Radio Frequency Skin Tightening

Approximately 30–45 min; 6 Sessions, first 4 sessions one week apart, last 2 sessions two weeks apart

The most advanced and effective radio heat frequency treatment for wrinkle reduction. This radio frequency skin tightening delivers precise amounts of heat that trigger the production of new collagen fibers which continue to improve long after your EndyMed® treatments are complete.

Laser Treatments

Approximately 5–60 min

We provide medical grade laser treatments for hair reduction, tattoo removal, skin rejuvenation, skin resurfacing, Rosacea, hyperpigmentation, Telangiectasia and acne scarring. Please consult with one of our skin care specialists to determine the best treatment for your skin. Pricing discussed during consultation.


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Our Office Location

Medical Dermatology Hours

Mon,Thurs: 7:00am-5:00pm
Tues, Wed: 7:00am-7:00pm
Friday: 8:00am-2:00pm

Cosmetic Center Hours

Monday - Thursday: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Friday: 9:00am to 3:00pm
Weekend and Evening hours: By Appointment Only

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